The Adventures of Lauren & Bubba

Feel free to change any of this.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Moving out of my apartment is really sad. I feel very displaced. I'm kind of living in a crap hole right now. I'm surrounded by trash bags and everyday another piece of my furniture disappears. Landing the tour has forced me to learn (quickly) how to manage my life as a working actor. I need to have an apartment that I can sublet at all times, and I need to be able to store things for free or at a minimal cost. Very interesting stuff, I'm sure.

Today we did a "straight Bee" run through, concentrating on the dramatic aspects of the show, downplaying the funny, in fact, never 'playing' funny, just honest. I was an emotional wreck. Olive is a lot stronger than I am, or...better said, she has no idea how hard her young life is, she's just living it and trying her hardest. It's very emotional for me, as lauren, to look at her life and not feel pain. We talked about how painful middle school was in general and how all of our characters are amazingly strong. it's very true, when I look back on my middle school years, it's hard for me to imagine my adult self going through all of that crap. I do not think I would survive now.


Just thoughts.
man my apartment is messy...
and i've run out of clean underwear...
time for laundry?


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