The Adventures of Lauren & Bubba

Feel free to change any of this.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Parker's last day here in NYC. I think he's ready to leave. :0) We are going to go have a beer now and then some arepas. Mmmmmm....


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's a beautiful sunny day here in New York after too much rain over the past few days. My brother, Parker Worsham, is visiting town this week and next. It's nice to see him.

The most exciting news in my life is as follows...well, I'll start at the beginning. Back at Yale, I met a very talented composer named Julia Meinwald. She asked me to sing on her demo cd when she was applying to the Tisch Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program (GMTWP), and she got in.

Interestingly enough, when school started we discovered that I lived very close to the Tisch building and thus began a wonderful realtionship. I learning music last minute for Julia's labs, and Julia recommending me to her friends. After awhile, I began to feel like a part of Cycle 16 at the Tisch GMTWP.

Here comes the exciting part. A couple of weeks ago, I sang one of Julia's songs "Bunny Pony" for her lab with the famed Bill Finn. Bill was putting together a cabaret of the music his students had written in his class. He requested that I sing Julia's song in a cabaret with such amazing performers as Cory Withers, Q, and Sally Wilfert. I was stoked!

One week after that, I had the amazing pleasure of participating in the Tisch GMTWP 1st year One-Act (20 minute) musicals. The musical I worked in was called the Chemist's Wife, book by Rachel Jett, lyrics by Julianne Wick Davis, and music by Will Aronson. The musical is based on a short story by Chekov, and if Chekov had written a musical...this would be it. So beautiful!

After the presentation, I met Michael John LaChiusa, and almost died. He was very kind. I couldn't manage much more than a shit-eating grin. Hopefully, I will be more eloquent if/when I see him again (which I hope to do!!!). Also, after the presentation Bill Finn himself called the casting company for Spelling Bee and got me an appointment audition.

So...things are looking...up? around? and least I can see a little bit over the crowd.

Interesting weeks.

Monday, May 15, 2006

My first ever blog. I have to finish in 2 minutes because I have to deliver some stuff for my job. Blogging is fun. Life is good. i'll add more later. just wanted to take the latin off. :0)