The Adventures of Lauren & Bubba

Feel free to change any of this.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Finally, today we performed in front of a real live audience. "i'm a real boy now!" it felt so good. james lapine (director, award winner, etc..) came in on saturday and threw all of us for a loop. he works very fast.

tonight, after two full performes in front of real audiences, we all went for mexican food and more importantly, DRINKING, paid for by the producer. which rocks my world cause i'm poor.

i'm very drunk now, and even though all my castmates (sarah and eric!!!) tried to pimp me out to a lighting techie, i'm cool. i didn't sleep with the australian and i'm watching t.v., trying to save my voice.

drunk in hotlana.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Okay, okay. I'm posting more. Yesterday (Sunday, August 13th), I awoke bright and early at 5:45AM to go stand in line at the Public Theater for FREE tickets to see MERYL FUCKIN" STREEP in Mother Courage and her Children. Got them with my buddy the rabbit, then went home and cleaned, gave my bed to a man that reeked of beer, onions and cheese, left my apartment, locked and sealed, and saw the amazing show.

Did i mention...yes i did, it was amazing. Meryl Streep is a goddess and for good reason. Not only is she amazing, she's human, and the best example of what a successful, working actor should be. They were in previews so they were still figuring things out, but she was phenomenal. Most gratifying was the fact that she was such a team player, really part of the ensemble and not playing to "stick out." also the production was most Brechtian which made me happy, unlike the lame attempt at Threepenny that Roundabout did earlier this year. Blech.

Anyway, now i'm in Hotlana. Got up this morning at 6:30AM to catch a 10AM flight, 45 minutes of checking-in and dumping out liquid. I'm all unpacked in my little extended stay apt., washed my feet, slapped on some biore strips, and am getting ready to read and sleep. I'm dog tired.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym for the first time in a month. Lord do I need it.

Tech tomorrow, 12noon.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Several things have come to my attention over the past few days. I guess I should post more on my blog. Blogs are weird. I must say. It seems to me they are supposed to approximate a diary, no? But it is a PUBLIC diary, which kind of defeats the purpose of writing down your PERSONAL thoughts. When everyone can read my thoughts, it causes me, at least, to impose some self censorship on what I might write. So, there's that. I'll try to post at least once per city.

I just got off the phone with a very dear friend of mine. He is the sweetest, kindest man you could ever meet, and last night, he was mugged. Well...mugged isn't exactly the right word. He was actually kind of bitch-slapped by about four, delinquent 15 yr-olds on the prowl at midnight. My buddy, whom I affectionately call the White Rabbit, was talking to his mother on his cell phone, strolling down 9th street in the east village when one of the teens ran up to him and slapped him, causing the White Rabbit to drop his cell phone, with mother reeling on the other line. The teens then scooped up his cell, and ran away...laughing. I think Mr. Rabbit should have his own sitcom. His life is amazing, and the way he carries himself through his daily trials and tribulations is really unique and entertaining. That said, he's okay. I was worried that they may have muddied up his face, but they didn't.

I also got shitfaced last of 2.5 pints of beer. I am weak. We had a very emotionally exhausting rehearsal on Friday as we performed in front of the Broadway cast of Spelling Bee. I seriously wanted to vomit and had a sort of shuddery feeling in my chest during the entire run. The cast was very sweet, however, especially Barrett and Derek. My friend Peter Cook also came and added his merry laugh, which kept me from vomiting I think.

Well, there's more of my strange thoughts. I guess I'm going to clean my apartment now, so that someone else can move in here and pay too much money.


Several things have come to my attention over the past few days. I guess I should post more on my blog. Blogs are weird. I must say. It seems to me they are supposed to approximate a diary, no? But it is a PUBLIC diary, which kind of defeats the purpose of writing down your PERSONAL thoughts. When everyone can read my thoughts, it causes me, at least, to impose some self censorship on what I might write. So, there's that. I'll try to post at least once per city.

I just got off the phone with a very dear friend of mine. He is the sweetest, kindest man you could ever meet, and last night, he was mugged. Well...mugged isn't exactly the right word. He was actually kind of bitch-slapped by about four, delinquent 15 yr-olds on the prowl at midnight. My buddy, whom I affectionately call the White Rabbit, was talking to his mother on his cell phone, strolling down 9th street in the east village when one of the teens ran up to him and slapped him, causing the White Rabbit to drop his cell phone, with mother reeling on the other line. The teens then scooped up his cell, and ran away...laughing. I think Mr. Rabbit should have his own sitcom. His life is amazing, and the way he carries himself through his daily trials and tribulations is really unique and entertaining. That said, he's okay. I was worried that they may have muddied up his face, but they didn't.

I also got shitfaced last of 2.5 pints of beer. I am weak. We had a very emotionally exhausting rehearsal on Friday as we performed in front of the Broadway cast of Spelling Bee. I seriously wanted to vomit and had a sort of shuddery feeling in my chest during the entire run. The cast was very sweet, however, especially Barrett and Derek. My friend Peter Cook also came and added his merry laugh, which kept me from vomiting I think.

Well, there's more of my strange thoughts. I guess I'm going to clean my apartment now, so that someone else can move in here and pay too much money.


Several things have come to my attention over the past few days. I guess I should post more on my blog. Blogs are weird. I must say. It seems to me they are supposed to approximate a diary, no? But it is a PUBLIC diary, which kind of defeats the purpose of writing down your PERSONAL thoughts. When everyone can read my thoughts, it causes me, at least, to impose some self censorship on what I might write. So, there's that. I'll try to post at least once per city.

I just got off the phone with a very dear friend of mine. He is the sweetest, kindest man you could ever meet, and last night, he was mugged. Well...mugged isn't exactly the right word. He was actually kind of bitch-slapped by about four, delinquent 15 yr-olds on the prowl at midnight. My buddy, whom I affectionately call the White Rabbit, was talking to his mother on his cell phone, strolling down 9th street in the east village when one of the teens ran up to him and slapped him, causing the White Rabbit to drop his cell phone, with mother reeling on the other line. The teens then scooped up his cell, and ran away...laughing. I think Mr. Rabbit should have his own sitcom. His life is amazing, and the way he carries himself through his daily trials and tribulations is really unique and entertaining. That said, he's okay. I was worried that they may have muddied up his face, but they didn't.

I also got shitfaced last of 2.5 pints of beer. I am weak. We had a very emotionally exhausting rehearsal on Friday as we performed in front of the Broadway cast of Spelling Bee. I seriously wanted to vomit and had a sort of shuddery feeling in my chest during the entire run. The cast was very sweet, however, especially Barrett and Derek. My friend Peter Cook also came and added his merry laugh, which kept me from vomiting I think.

Well, there's more of my strange thoughts. I guess I'm going to clean my apartment now, so that someone else can move in here and pay too much money.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Moving out of my apartment is really sad. I feel very displaced. I'm kind of living in a crap hole right now. I'm surrounded by trash bags and everyday another piece of my furniture disappears. Landing the tour has forced me to learn (quickly) how to manage my life as a working actor. I need to have an apartment that I can sublet at all times, and I need to be able to store things for free or at a minimal cost. Very interesting stuff, I'm sure.

Today we did a "straight Bee" run through, concentrating on the dramatic aspects of the show, downplaying the funny, in fact, never 'playing' funny, just honest. I was an emotional wreck. Olive is a lot stronger than I am, or...better said, she has no idea how hard her young life is, she's just living it and trying her hardest. It's very emotional for me, as lauren, to look at her life and not feel pain. We talked about how painful middle school was in general and how all of our characters are amazingly strong. it's very true, when I look back on my middle school years, it's hard for me to imagine my adult self going through all of that crap. I do not think I would survive now.


Just thoughts.
man my apartment is messy...
and i've run out of clean underwear...
time for laundry?