The Adventures of Lauren & Bubba

Feel free to change any of this.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm really quite awful at this whole blog thing. Here is why: the only time I really want to post on my blog is late at night, usually after drinking, which is a very bad idea. PLUS, all the things I want to post on my blog, I really can't because they would be too private and personal. Imagine some 13 year old girl reading this after seeing Spelling Bee and being really shocked or dissapointed. I can't handle the pressure. That said, I have to post mundane/cryptic/show-related things. So here goes.

First day in Denver. It is a winter wonderland over here! I'm very anxious to perform here as the air quality is so thin. They actually have oxygen off stage to help the performers keep up. Too bad I never really exit.

So we got in and S. my favorite roomie took a bath with this lavender tea bag I bought in Seattle. She literally stewed herself in lavender. Thirty minutes later she reappears covered in hives. Too bad. So I rush around trying to find her some benadryl, meanwhile, she realizes she lost one of the stones on her wedding ring. So she basically had a really bad night.

What's going on in my world? I think I may be lactose intolerant. Gross. So, I've cut out dairy for about the next week or so. We'll see what happens.

I'm signing with a manager! Big step. More on that later.

What else....OH, I've been doing these bootcamp dvds that my friend S. got for Christmas and man they are kicking muh butt. But (haha), I've started to develop...abs. Can you believe that, like actual abs, not just curvy belly. I'm really stoked. WE are going for a pre-KFed Britney look, minus the strained neck.


Anyways, I love my job. I'm a little tired of travelling so much and I miss my friends from home, so come visit!