The Adventures of Lauren & Bubba

Feel free to change any of this.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Okay, I am so in love right now. It's like some sort of drug. It's insane. I'm so giddy and happy! So, maybe I found him. Who knows...I guess we'll see. But right now I fee like I'm on some sort of roller coaster and I couldn't get off even I wanted too, which I don't. But it is also frustrating because he is not here right now. Wow, this is an amazing feeling. Constant giddiness and I'll just smile for no reason thinking about him.

Woof. In other news, we are getting ready to head into Florida after this next week in Nashville, TN. I'm really looking forward to FL. It will be so nice to be in such nice weather and wear sun dresses and go to the beach! Plus, he's coming in about 3 weeks. Wow. I'm so excited.

I just love everything...I think that's one of the side effects of this "in love" thing. It's funny to take a step back and realize what a cornball I've become, but I can't help it.

I just want to hug every one. Argh.
